Wednesday, 12 September 2012

You ARE!!!! Different now!!!

Dearest Readers:
When your past tries to define you, PROVE IT WRONG!! Don't let people refer to you as a Hypocrite for being your NEW self! You were one thing in your past and that worked for your then, you decided to become something different & better in your future. The things you use to do, don't work for you now that you are on a different path and that's the way it's suppose to be.!!!The Bible declares that if any man be in Christ he is a new creature, old things are passed away and BEHOLD all thing have become NEW! 
Have A Lovely Day<3!

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Walking Tall

The wrong way to start is to not have a map of how you intend things to go, the good thing is
it's NEVER too late to map out the walk you want to take in life. Do what is purposeful, take every step you need to take to get where you need to go.

Dont ever allow other to condem you
for past mistakes, dont condem yourself, if you have begged pardons it's over you are forgiven. Move on from every mistake using it as a lesson and a caution for the future.

Hold your head up even afer defeat, never let a loss keep you down, if you never knew what it felt like to lose you COULD NOT appreciate a WIN!!! God knows the balance we need to feel the right emotions.
I Love you!

Sunday, 4 March 2012

All Together Lovely

Hello Lovelies:

As you know our mission and mandate is to transform women into their original design with the help of the creator by using practical methods such as education, fitness, social outlets and most importantly a life based upon christian principals. With that in mind I'd like to officially introduce to my blog spot:

You can find us on face book: 

Kingdom Women Attire